movie marathon on a work night

While our internet connection was not good yesterday, I opted to have a movie marathon. Honestly, I haven't finished or even started to watch the whole 'Cold Case', just glanced at their 1st series and the n skipped through the rest. Be watching it though, when I have the luxury of time to sit longer and not do anything. Anyway, so last night I watched the 3 Bourne installments, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum. Finally had the chance to watch all 3 in a row. And what did I get from it? Sleepy eyes, wandering mind and heavy head. I'll have time to rest later after my 1-3pm class cause my other student begged to be absent as they will be having a drama practice. I haven't even fully prepared for my 1-3pm class either. Haha.. I wasn't really idle while watching the movie as I was also compiling papers and reports and making synthesis on it. Not bad huh.


ANDOi said...

watch slamdog millionaire.

wanderer said...

i'll look for that.. :)